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Arcadian to begin phasing out EZ-P4 RFID antenna mount. EZ-M6 to be the planned replacement.

Posted by Michael Crudele on

Just a quick note to all of our RFID antenna clients...


For many years, we have been providing our "EZ" mounting solutions / RFID antenna brackets.  They have clearly become the RFID antenna mount of choice for OEM's and System Integrators using RFMAX and Laird / Cushcraft.  (These typically mate with 10x10" RFID panel antenna model #'s S9028PCL, S9028PCR, PAL90209 & PAR90209)


Recently, some shortcomings in the EZ-P4 model have come to our attention and had us re-evaluate this mount.  In light of what we discovered in our own testing, we have chosen to phase out this RFID mounting solution.


We will no longer be bringing any additional EZ-P4 mounts into our stock.


Here is our current inventory situation, as of today (March 11, 2015) **ONLY 84 UNITS of EZ-P4 AVAILABLE FOR SALE**


The replacements / upgrades to the EZ-P4 series are our EZ-M6 mounts:


EZ-M6-WALL: 6" wall mount

EZ-M6-MAST: 6" mast mount

EZ-M6-Combo: 6" wall and/or mast mount


Why the move? 


  1. The EZP4 is too short to fully articulate the antenna.
  2. Although it can hold the weight of one antenna,  it may be unable to handle the weight of antenna + a cable (depending on the cable type and length)
  3. The EZM6 is a more robust solution, that allows full articulation of the antenna, and can hold 2x the weight of the EZP4.


If you have any questions about this announcement, please contact your account manager directly, or email me at


Mike Crudele

Arcadian Inc.


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